Before we get into your work, can you just tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name is Caroline, I am 25 years old and I am from France, Brittany (west side) and I have been living in Paris for 4 years.
We are curious about your past and your style. When did you get started with art, what are your preferred topics and how would you describe your style?
I started to paint at the beginning of 2020, before that I was drawing but not seriously. I wanted to reproduce Matisse's “Nu bleu II” to put it in my room as a decoration, so I did it. Then I wanted the same, but in a different position and one thing leading to another, I removed the hands, the head, the feet... and I arrived at the models that I draw now, graphic and with simple lines.
At the beginning I started to paint these bodies without any real intention to talk about this or that subject but with time I realized that I emphasized the chest, central element of a body with feminine curves.
Being myself a woman, the chest is a subject on which there are always things to say, "put a bra" "a strong chest is vulgar" "you don't have breasts" it is a part of the body which complexes some people, which makes people talk and which is however so beautiful
To be part of our project, we asked each artist to address certain issues in their designs that we should all think about more often. Can you briefly explain what your designs are about and what message you want to convey with your designs for maezen?
According to me, the role of an artist today can be to make concrete a message that touches him, that inspires him and/or that he claims. Women's nudity has always been a very controversial subject in our society, especially the breast.
My works have a sensual and non-sexual character; even if I know that it depends on the vision of each one. Through my drawings I simply highlight the body and the curves of the woman that I find just beautiful. In fact, I try to convey my vision of the female body in its plurality and to bring the breast as a central element of my paintings (although femininity is not limited to a pair of breasts - beware - ) while in general it can be taboo.
In the designs I created for maezen, I tried to put these forms in the spotlight and to transcribe my work as it is.
Last question. Is there one thing which is important to you that you would like to share with our community?
Love your body.
Check out more from Caroline: Website | Instagram